Landau Kleffner Syndrome

Posted on
July 5, 2024
Let's learn all the facts about a brain pattern called

Landau Kleffner Syndrome

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Landau Kleffner syndrome is characterized by subacute onset of progressive aphasia in a child with previous age-appropriate language development and cognition. LKS is considered an 'epileptic encephalopathy'. The onset is between 2 and 8 years old (peak 5 to 7 years). The initial presentation may be with progressive aphasia (40%), seizures or both. Both sexes are affected. The aphasia occurs because of an acquired verbal auditory agnosia. Children become progressively unable to comprehend spoken word, cease to understand when spoken to and to respond verbally. The diagnosis is typically delayed as children are thought to have acquired deafness, autistic regression, or mutism. Behavioral (e.g. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, aggression), psychiatric and cognitive disturbances are commonly observed in addition to language impairment. Language impairment typically fluctuates. Seizures and EEG abnormality resolve with age in most cases, however residual language impairment is seen in the majority (>80%) and may be severe (especially if onset is earlier).

Seizures may not occur in all cases, and when present are infrequent and self-limiting. However, there is a high risk of significant residual language impairment.

Which of the following epilepsies or syndromes have similar EEG findings as Landau Kleffner Syndrome?
Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
Atypical childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep
All the above
Correct Answer: 

Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, atypical childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep and Landau Kleffner syndrome are syndromes that have in common certain EEG features, with variable severity of focal seizures and neurocognitive impairment. They may be considered as a spectrum; an individual child may transition from one of these syndromes to another over time.

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